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Coronavirus – Reducing the Risk at Your Facility
Coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, people are preparing for an outbreak in their community, businesses are putting together cleaning and disinfection plans, and households are stocking up on cleaning supplies and sanitizers.
How Do You Contract Coronavirus?
- Airborne – coughing and sneezing.
- Close Contact – shaking hands and touching.
- Contaminated Surfaces – touching an object or surface that is contaminated with the virus, then touching your mouth, nose or eyes before washing your hands.
How to Reduce the Risk of Coronavirus at Your Facility:
- Deep cleaning and disinfection of the facility along with a plan for on-going cleaning and disinfection of high contact surfaces.
- Routine hand washing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
Need Help Putting Together a Cleaning and Disinfection Program?
System4 Facilities Services Management can work with you to develop a program to fit the unique needs of your facility. Our vast network of vetted, experienced service providers is skilled in commercial cleaning, terminal cleans, and specialty services. System4 is your one-point-of-contact for all services needed for your facility. Putting together a Cleaning and Disinfection Program will help to ensure that your facility is a safe and healthy environment.
Contact us today at 216-524-6100 to learn how System4 can assist your business with Coronavirus preparedness.