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Prepare Your Facility for Hurricane Season

With hurricane season already upon us in the southeastern states, please remember that System4 can assist with getting you back up and running after the storm. While we can work with you to keep your facility in working order, there…

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National Take Your Dog to Work Day

This Friday, June 21 is National Take Your Dog to Work Day. While having your pets in the office can be fun for everyone involved, it's important to make sure that you're maintaining a clean facility that works to reduce…

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Hope to see you at SLIF!

We hope to see you at the Senior Living Innovation Forum this Sunday, June 9 through Tuesday, June 11 in Palm Springs, CA. We'll be there for the Yacht Rock Extravaganza... and to meet and learn from our peers in…

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CDC Releases New Guidance for 2024-25 School Year

With the 2023-24 school year wrapping up, administrators and facilities staff already have their eyes on autumn and the coming school year. The CDC has released new guidance for the 2024-25 academic year to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.…

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