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Spring Clean-Up Tips for Your Facility
You’ve made it through the cold winter months and spring is finally here! No doubt your facility has survived some less than ideal weather conditions – snow, ice, high winds. Whatever Mother Nature had in store for your facility, it is time to de-winterize and get the building back into “tip top” shape.
How to Prepare Your Facility for Spring:
Snow, ice, salt and debris are brought in with every person that sets foot in your facility. A thorough cleaning – especially high-traffic area – is a priority because it revitalizes your carpet’s appearance. Regularly scheduled cleaning will help to avoid the need for future repair issues.
Moving desks, cabinets and large items to get rid of all dirt will reduce allergic reactions and flare-ups among your staff. Cleaning these areas will also lend to fresh smell in the office.
Windows have a large impact on the appearance of your building. Removing residue left behind by snow and sleet, the building will increase curb appeal.
Cleaning hard to reach areas such as high beams, light fixtures, ceiling corners and air returns has many benefits. It can improve the performance of your HVAC system and reduce allergens that can cause reactions and illnesses.
Deep cleaning your office furniture at the same time you perform other spring-time tasks will improve your business’s appearance. By removing dust, dirt and stains your furniture’s life will be extended and create a fresh scent in the building.
Pressure Washing
The buildup of sale and debris causes a negative impression of your building. Pressure washing your sidewalks, walkways and outside walls for a “new and improved” look will help improve the image of your business.
Potholes in the Parking Lot
Asphalt expands and contracts due to inclement weather conditions. In turn, this causes the pavement to weaken and collapse from the weight of cars and foot traffic. By repairing cracks and potholes, you will lessen the level of frustration by clients, guests and employees when their car is jolted and in need of repairs. Keeping up with sweeping, patching and seal-coating will help extend the life of your parking lot.
System4 Facilities Services Management specializes in commercial cleaning, specialty services, and repair and maintenance services. We are your one-point-of-contact for all spring cleaning needs. Our vast network of vetted, experienced service providers are highly trained and skilled to meet the demands of all facility types.
Contact us today at 216-524-6100 to learn more about how System4 can help your facility with spring time clean-up services.