Working with a reputable facility management partner can help you keep your repair costs under…
Prepare Your Business for an Emergency with a Network of Service Providers
When a disaster is declared, the Federal government, led by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), responds at the request of, and in support of, States, Tribes, Territories, and insular Areas and local jurisdictions impacted by a disaster. Recovery often begins while emergency response activities are still in progress. The disaster recovery process focuses on restoring, redeveloping, revitalizing communities impacted by a disaster, according the U.S. Department of the Interior. Beyond the assistance that is provided by FEMA, businesses should create a Disaster Relief Program that incorporates necessary service providers who can support your location(s) during a time of crisis.
Know the Facts.
Understand service providers who can support your facilities during time of crisis, and their response time during the disaster. Find service providers that can support all key aspects of the business, such as electrical, plumbing, HVAC, handyman, snow removal, door & window repair, roof, floor, etc.
Have More than One Service Provider for Each Potential Service Needed.
Having a responsible, reliable service provider for each service area is important. In the event that the service provider is unable to support your facility during an emergency, having a second service provider who can support your needs is essential. System4 is a national commercial facilities management company, with presence in over 60 markets, with a large network of experienced service providers that have been vetted, and ready to support your facility. System4’s work order management tool, ServiceSync, will allow you to assign service orders for your facilities from any location for different types of service providers – perfect for an emergency situation.
Set-Up Not-to-Exceed (NTEs) Limits for Service Providers.
When an emergency strikes, service provider fees can fluctuate. In order to prevent fluctuations in the service fees to occur, set-up Not-to-Exceed (NTEs) limits for service providers. NTEs will help to reduce costs associated with the services. ServiceSync can incorporate NTEs for different service providers which will allow more control over the spend.
Interested in learning more about System4’s network of experienced service providers, or ServiceSync? Contact us today to set up a time to discuss options for your facility.